nancy davis memorial beach hike (january) baby drew 2024 (february) red cliffs temple open house (february) temple visits with mom m (2024) family at gunlock falls (march) zion with cheryl (march) cheryl and steve arizona trip (march) tlaquepaque village (march) chapel of the holy cross (march) west and east zion with ashlyn (april) brian regan at tuacahn (april) redstone highland games 2024 (april) grandchildren from parents (2024) radio jrny at sand hollow (april) daniel dixie tech graduation (april) provo trip with mom m (april) krishna lotus temple (april) fremont indian museum (april) provo trip for mom m surgery (may) payson temple visit with samuelsons (may) mom m hospital adventure (may) kennecott copper mine with kyler (may) california trip with cheryl (may) laguna beach art galleries (may) balboa island and ferry (may) valley wells (may) seven magic mountains with mom d (may) cheryl and steve tennis (may) dog n butterfly concert (may) jon’s practice purchase (june) haleamano summer concert (june) mom m hospital visit (june) bean life science museum (june) byu museum of paleontology (june) minerva teichert gallery (june) sacred history exhibit plus (june) temple square and historic park (june) frozen at tuacahn (june) american eagle usa concert (june) stephanie visit (july) tyler and joel slade knot tie party (july) brian head and cedar breaks (july) cedar city explorations (july) primm ub4o concert and mom d pickup (july) visit to martins for miller memorial (august) Mom m 87th Birthday Visit (august/september) provo pioneer village with kimberly (september) dixie days concert and drone show (september) field of heroes (september) grand canyon north rim (september) fleetwood nicks (september) zion east canyon (september) zion jolley gulch trip (september) cheryl birthday (september) VEYO POOL AND CRAWDAD CANYON (OCTOBER) black desert pga championship (october) mom m provo funeral (october) mom m provo funeral weekend (october) bandabba concert at utah tech (october) washington pool (october) matt and brittany family (october) mom m california funeral (october) mom m california funeral weekend (october) laguna beach with family (october) kathy tyler olmstead wedding (november) kathy tyler wedding weekend (november) ashlyn birthday (november) martin car trip (november) thanksgiving (november) christmas time in st. george (december) ashlyn presentation and evening (december) tuacahn nativity (december) christmas (december)